Checking in here from New Orleans!! Let me recap first though classes.
My last final, Torts, was on May 2nd. I am not sure how I feel about that one yet, but I am happy to have it behind me. It was part essay, part short answer, part mutiple choice - the latter which I found most difficult. It was hard to be motivated to study as well. Of course, it didn't help that one of my roommates friends moved in for the summer, and brought his 61 inch TV and PlayStation 2. It was a nice break though after our second to last final, playing some NCAA Football 2006.
Once school was out, I have actually been staying up later, hanging out with other students, eating out, watching a movie, etc. Thursday afternoon SBA hosted a cookout down at Sandbridged, at which we ate, played volleyball, and even a little flag football right on the beach. Fun times.
Friday night I helped with the Graduation Banquet for the Class of 2006. It was fun to hear some of the funny stories professors and students had to tell of their time over the past 3 years. Makes me look forward to my graduation with Class of 2008 (if I pass!). :) We worked till about 9:45pm, and then a small group of us went to see Mission Impossible 3. IT was a pretty good flick. I got home about 12:15am, with an impossible mission of my own - pack for the next morning!! I didnt' get everything around and in bed till 3:30pm!! Had to meet with the group for Regent at 9:30am Saturday morning. We were on our way by 10:30.
We are heading out soon for dinner. I will get back to talk about what I am doing here and how busy my summer is going to be. For now...L8r!!