A Long Flight
When buying my tickets for California, I came across a flight that appeared to be a direct flight, leaving Norfolk on Sunday, October 5th at 5pm, and said to arriving in Oakland 12am. I thought the website might have accidently put the EST arrival time on, cause I knew the flight to California does not take 10 hours!! Well, I was right about one thing, it was a direct flight to Oakland ... just with stops in Washington D.C., San Diego, and then Oakland ... just all the same plane!!! Haha!
So my arrival in California was actually 3 am for me! Oh the joys of jet lag. Thank you Lord for the safe flight. Stayed in a pretty nice hotel in Berkeley, right on the Marina.
Got to enjoy a new rental also, a gold HHR. Always wanted to know what a PT Cruiser drove like - this is just a little bit bigger. Pretty roomy, not a bad drive. :)
Got to enjoy a new rental also, a gold HHR. Always wanted to know what a PT Cruiser drove like - this is just a little bit bigger. Pretty roomy, not a bad drive. :)
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