Homecoming PHC

Wow! Hard to believe that a week has gone by since I was up in beautiful Northern Virginia for the 5 year Anniversary of Patrick Henry College and our first Homecoming!! Time flies. I had to miss two full days of classes here at Regent (well..I can't say I really missed not being in class - lol), but it was definitely worth it. I caught a ride up to Purcellville with the other PHC rep here at Regent, Mark Leichliter & wife Erin. (Thanks guys!) We drove up Wednesday night after classes. Mark and I were actually visiting the campus on the pretense of recruiting some less sane people who, once they graduate, did not get enough of a heavy work loads, late hours and classroom lectures and are looking to fill that void. ;) We met up with Professor Brad Jacobs to speak to a group of around 24 about life as a student of Regent Law School. The best way to I could describe it was "freshmen year PHC" all over again. Yet, to these seasoned veterns, I encouraged them that the work load of graduate school wasn't any more difficult then what they were already doing, and was very doable. I mean hey, I'm doing it here.
It was weird to walk around campus and see so many faces I didn't recognize. I was talking to students who I knew were there my last year, but for the life of me I couldn't remember their name...but I was so glad to see their face! :) I told the alumni this during our meeting, and said "Seeing you all here is like being home...But thank goodness it is not our home anymore!!" That got a good laugh. Friday evening, we had a reception at a beautiful house way out in the booneys with the faculty. It was bitter-sweet as we recognized Dr. Bonicelli for his investment in our lives and wished him well in his new position as (something or other??).
We held our general alumni meeting Saturday morning, which went really well. It brought back memories of our marathon Senate meetings inaugurial year, lasting about 3.5 hours - but very enjoyable to see everyone back in action. We reported on the progress the Board had made since our last meeting in December, both the high points and the low points. We presented the Bi-laws and after some minor changes, passed them almost unnanimously. We got a lot accomplished. Nominations for the 8 new seats on our Board basically looked like a role call of everyone present and not. I have one year left in my service.
Afterwards, activities included visiting the PHC bookstore and buying the special exclusive edition "Homecoming 2005" t-shirt to any one who had $10. (Its actually not bad.) Then there was the Alumni v. students informal soccer game. Danny Davis, Mike Hengumeule, Aaron Thompson, John Vinci (I don't think he's even left the school yet - lol), Stephen Shipp, and myself were there to represent! Didn't do so hot the first half, but came back with a near shut-out and big goals following the second. Yeah, some of us might have been out shape a little, but it was still fun. Then there was a cookout and concert out back of Founders Hall. Kelly Minter, a Northern Virginia native, now Nashville recording artist performed for us. She was actually entertaining and talented. I would encourage you to check her out!! kellyminter.com It was a great atmosphere to catch up with people I had not seen in a while. The majority of alumni who came were from our innaugurial class, including a visit of Kerri (formerly known) Williamson. I think there was an attendance of 50+ alumni. It was a very good weekend!!
Oh, it was great to see pictures of all those familiar faces! I hope you all had fun together. -rlr
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