Allow Me To Introduce...

Allow me to introduce the Dukes of Glyndon!! "Why Glyndon," you might ask? Well let me tell you. That is the name of the street we live on. :)
These are my fellow roommates down here in Virginia Beach, all fellow 1Ls at Regent Law. Starting on the far right....
Jeremy Puglia (in dark gray t-shirt). Comes from Philly, die-hard Eagles fan. He is Italian as they come, and cooks his own spaghetti sauce. God brought us together in an unusual way - thru someone my sister met while cutting her hair. We basically decided to be roommates before we even met. It is he who found this house, and pulled this group togeher. We have the same exact class schedule, and are rarely seen apart.
Jamison Raspberry (dark blue t-shirt). "J-Mason", as we call him, hails from South Carolina. Plays guitar, and is quite the ladies man. He is a regular at the local Thrift Shop, and actually helped me find my current bed that someone was giving away for FREE! He is a resourceful guy, and the third addition to our abode.
James "Matt" Mundy (cowboy hat, orange t-shirt). Gotta love those good ol'e Tennessee roommates. Matt comes from Chattanooga, TN and is the elder of the group. He was the last to join our group, but a not a bad last edition. :) Makes great sweet tea.
The Lord blessed us with a great 4-bedroom townhouse - over 2,000 square feet!! We love to have people over, and in fact have started a weekly Wednesday night prayer time, providing many of our fellow 1L classmates a chance to come pray and fellowship for a while. We always have a lot of fun.
Well, that is all the introductions I have for now.
Grace & Peace ~ Mark
Not another Tennesseean!! Methinks from the color of the shirt, he's a diehard Vols fan...Roll Tide!
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