Words of Wisdom from a modern day great man of God

Why the silly picture of me? Well your focus should not be on me, but rather the fellow with his back to me. This week former Attourney General John Ashcroft has been visiting Regent campus. This picture was taken after a class lecture he gave. I went up to have him sign his book, "Lessons From a Father to His Son" (which is a great read, by the way). A fellow classmate o"f mine (who is actually a homeschool mom - they are everywhere!!) made me stand back up there to get a picture with him.
(I think he may have been offended when I told him his feet smelled - joking!) :)
General Ashcroft also spoke in chapel today. I really enjoying hearing him speak. He is a very godly man, down-to-earth and quite humble considering all the accomplishments in his life. I really appreciated what he had to share and thought I might give you a few quotes:
"Do you know why they bury lawyers 12 ft. underground instead of the normal 6 ft? Because every lawyer is good down deep."
"Old lawyers never die, they just loose their appeal."
On the will of God: "A man so intent on doing the will of God wakes up in the monring and goes to his closet, opens it and says, 'Oh God, is it your will that I wear the brown suit today or the green?' After a moment, a voice comes from heaven saying, 'You dummy, I'm your Father, not your Mother!'"
On a more serious note:
"Freedom is the ability to change the future."
"Our decisions have future consequences for us and others."
"God created us to make choices. We are limted in one sense because we don't have the mind of God. But He has given us the Word of God."
"Instead of worrying about the will of God, fill your life with the Word of God."
"You never grow if your not shooting for something higher than you are - shoot for God's way."
The verse that he loves to quote is from Deuteronomy 30: 19-20
"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your decendants might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and commit yourself to him, for he is your life."
What wonderful words of truth. Let me close with a few verses pertaining to this that I read from Proverbs 16 this morning:
(1) We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer. (Great comfort for a law student like myself about to take first round of law finals on Dec. 1st!!)
(3) Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.
(9) We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Grace & Peace all.
Why the silly picture of me? Well your focus should not be on me, but rather the fellow with his back to me. This week former Attourney General John Ashcroft has been visiting Regent campus. This picture was taken after a class lecture he gave. I went up to have him sign his book, "Lessons From a Father to His Son" (which is a great read, by the way). A fellow classmate o"f mine (who is actually a homeschool mom - they are everywhere!!) made me stand back up there to get a picture with him.
(I think he may have been offended when I told him his feet smelled - joking!) :)
General Ashcroft also spoke in chapel today. I really enjoying hearing him speak. He is a very godly man, down-to-earth and quite humble considering all the accomplishments in his life. I really appreciated what he had to share and thought I might give you a few quotes:
"Do you know why they bury lawyers 12 ft. underground instead of the normal 6 ft? Because every lawyer is good down deep."
"Old lawyers never die, they just loose their appeal."
On the will of God: "A man so intent on doing the will of God wakes up in the monring and goes to his closet, opens it and says, 'Oh God, is it your will that I wear the brown suit today or the green?' After a moment, a voice comes from heaven saying, 'You dummy, I'm your Father, not your Mother!'"
On a more serious note:
"Freedom is the ability to change the future."
"Our decisions have future consequences for us and others."
"God created us to make choices. We are limted in one sense because we don't have the mind of God. But He has given us the Word of God."
"Instead of worrying about the will of God, fill your life with the Word of God."
"You never grow if your not shooting for something higher than you are - shoot for God's way."
The verse that he loves to quote is from Deuteronomy 30: 19-20
"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your decendants might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and commit yourself to him, for he is your life."
What wonderful words of truth. Let me close with a few verses pertaining to this that I read from Proverbs 16 this morning:
(1) We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer. (Great comfort for a law student like myself about to take first round of law finals on Dec. 1st!!)
(3) Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed.
(9) We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Grace & Peace all.
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