On Tuesday I flew up to Manchester, New Hampshire to drive down to Gordon College in Massechusetts for a graduate fair. It has by far been my best trip for two reasons: 1) I got a sweet rental car at a sweet deal, and 2) I was able to visit my grandfather who I have not seen in about 4 years.
When I arrived at the rental counter, I asked what types of cars they had. Turned out they were having a special on upgrades, and she listed them off, all for a $7 upgrade. At the top of the list was a convertable Mustang. I did my best to hide my excitement, and said "I guess I'll take the Mustang then." Inside I was estatic! "No way?! I can't believe it! This a dream. I love mustangs!" Yes I was just a little excited. Haha. It was a fun ride, though never was warm enough to put the top down.

I also was able to visit my Grandfather (Mom's side) who I haven't seen in about 4 years or so. I called him to see if he would drive down from Etna, Maine to meet somewhere for lunch. Manchester is only about 3 hours from him, so I said I would meet him somewhere for lunch. He liked the idea and told me to find a Wal-Mart somewhere for us to meet at, since that would be easy to find. We ended up meeting in Rochester, New Hampshire. It was good to see Grandpa Bickford and Rose. We had a nice lunch at a little steak joint, and I updated him on Dusty's wedding and all I have been up to since school. They decided to turn their little trip into an overnight trip and I ended up canceling my other reservation near Boston so I could spend the evening with them. We watched the movie "The Bucket List" and then Rose and I grabbed some dinner next door at the diner. I was able to get a little work done later that evening and still grab some time in the hot tub. :) It was a very nice visit!
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